Ahmedabad: A row erupted over the appointments of chairmen of various Boards of Studies at Gujarat University (GU). Allegations were made that statutory rules were disregarded while selecting the chairmen.
University guidelines stipulate that the senior-most faculty member amongst board appointees should serve as chairman. Faculty members alleged that this protocol was not followed during the formation of new boards across arts, commerce, and science departments. A formal memorandum was submitted by faculty members to the GU vice-chancellor requesting a fresh selection in compliance with the established regulations.
The Gujarat Public University Act 2023 mandates that the election of the chairman for the Board of Studies must occur during the inaugural board meeting, which faculty members assert did not happen in the present cases. They called for proper meetings to be organised to ensure compliance with selection protocols.
The All India National Educational Federation also expressed concerns regarding the ongoing process, advocating for the equitable treatment of senior professors. They suggested instalment-based recovery options for faculty members required to make repayments. Sources indicate that the appointment of junior members as chairman over their senior faculty members intensified discontent amongst university personnel.