Ahmedabad: After a recruitment scam was unearthed by officials of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Karanj police on Wednesday filed a complaint against the head clerk who allegedly modified the marks, which helped three failed candidates secure jobs as assistant technical supervisors with the civic body.
Pulkit Sathwara, the AMC head clerk, is accused of manipulating recruitment results to secure jobs for unqualified candidates as assistant technical supervisors (engineering), Karanj police inspector P T Chaudhary said.
“AMC announced 93 vacancies on March 15, 2024, and conducted the exam on Aug 18, 2024. After the results were announced, discrepancies were discovered in the marks of three candidates, Tamanna Patel, Monal Limbachia and Jay Patel,” states the police complaint filed by Pravin Savalia, an AMC employee.
The announced scores of these candidates were 77, 85, and 85.25 respectively. However, documents obtained from the body that conducted the exam revealed their actual scores to be 18.50, 18.25 and 19.25, respectively, the FIR states.
Sathwara, who was responsible for recruitment-related IT tasks in collaboration with Gujarat University, allegedly altered the candidates’ scores before uploading the results on the AMC website. This deliberate manipulation allowed the three ineligible candidates to secure jobs at the expense of three deserving candidates, it said.
Karanj police registered an offence under the charges of criminal breach of trust, forgery, forgery of valuable security and using forged documents or electronic records as genuine under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and under the Information Technology Act.
Chaudhary said that the three candidates whose marks were tampered with are yet to be questioned. Cops will probe if Sathwara was given money for manipulating the marks or whether he acted upon somebody’s suggestion. tnn
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