How Yoga Helps Women Overcome Stress, Societal Pressures And Health Challenges | Health News


Everyone’s life is full of challenges which cause stress, anxiety and impact health if not handled well. Especially for a modern day woman, the expectations have changed from merely taking care of the house and family, to also work, earn and socialise. For facing this continuous cycle of life, it is most important to develop Mind Power. A powerful mind will be able to overcome challenges with ease, whereas weak mind will feel defeated by the same. This is why, even in similar situations, some people grow towards success while others end up with failures and health issues.

Steps to overcome Stress and Societal Pressures as shared by Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Author, Columnist, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa.

1. Disciplined Lifestyle: The first and foremost step for facing life’s challenges is to have a discipline in lifestyle. One must set a healthy routine, wake up with the sunrise, start the day with positive practices and self-work. These practices act as fuel for the body and mind to run the rest of the day smoothly.

2. Meditation: With unlimited challenges and distractions of a modern life, re-centring the mind is extremely critical for stability and wise decision making. “Swaas Dhyaan” is a simple technique that can be practiced daily to achieve a calm mind. 

How to Practice: Sit in a comfortable posture with the spine straight, both palms facing upwards, on the knees. With eyes closed, start focussing on the movement of the breath. Inhale for 3 seconds, hold the breath inside for 3 seconds and exhale slowly in 3 seconds. Practice this technique daily for 5-11 minutes, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, before starting the day.

3. Positive Self-talk: Positive self-talk is an easy spiritual technique that helps in building confidence and mental clarity. When one connects with the self and listens to the inner voice, the noise from outside doesn’t impact them. Taking focussed time to talk to oneself is a simple yet powerful technique to handle societal pressures. Enhanced self-awareness helps in mindful decision-making. Journaling, affirmations, mantra chanting are powerful tools for this.

4. Asanas & Pranayama: In carrying out the numerous responsibilities of life, women are often unable to prioritise their own health. Himalayan teachings say that the primary responsibility of a person is to take care of their own self. Anything done at the cost of self-health, eventually becomes a liability in life. Daily practice of Yogasanas and Pranayama help in maintaining physical, mental, emotional health. These are powerful tools to build a strong body, which is a pre-requisite for performing all duties effectively. A healthy body builds a healthy life.

5. Gaining Knowledge: Human life is extremely dynamic. It will always bring new situations, new challenges and facing them requires one to have the ability to adapt to changes with ease. This needs a continuous learning process. One must plan to continuously upgrade their skills, knowledge and spiritual training to enhance their life. Growth is a process of continuous change. Having a precise training plan under the guidance of a skilled master helps avoid complacency and ensures one to lead a healthy and successful life. 


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