Notices issued to 154 units for unhygienic conditions | Ahmedabad News


Ahmedabad: Between March 16 and March 22, the health department of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation inspected 484 units across various areas of the city. Notices were issued to 154 units for violations, including unhygienic conditions. A total of 258kg of inedible food and 242 litres of inedible liquid were destroyed. Additionally, 165 TPC tests were conducted.
Furthermore, 96 food samples were collected from different units in the city and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Among these, the highest number of samples were 18 from mango milkshake and sugarcane juice, and 10 from dairy products, which were sent for examination.
Moreover, the corporation seized a suspicious batch of 29kg of cheese from an establishment named Bhagatvi Foods in Sarkhej, which is currently under investigation.

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